Friday, 3 October 2014

No recreational razor clam harvest at Kalaloch this year

Based on continued low population estimates and a downward trend in the Kalaloch razor clam population over the past five years, Olympic National Park will not hold a recreational razor clam harvest this year.

Biologists from Olympic National Park, Quinault Indian Nation, Hoh Indian Tribe, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife conduct razor clam stock assessments each summer. This year’s results showed the Kalaloch razor clam population to contain approximately half the number of clams found in 2013. Adult clams continue to be small, with an average size of 3.8 inches.

Kalaloch has been closed to harvest for the last three years due to the razor clams’ low population status.

“Considering the continued depression of the Kalaloch razor clam population, Kalaloch beach will remain closed to recreational razor clam harvest this season,” said Olympic National Park Superintendent Sarah Creachbaum.

The park will continue to consult with QIN, Hoh and WDFW biologists to assess potential razor clam harvests at Kalaloch in the future.

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